Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Moody Day~

It's one of those moody days when I don't feel like working or doing anything. I feel so down. Sigh... Perhaps it's one of the occupational hazards being a teacher. What exactly is being a teacher? What do we have to do? I thought that our job is to mould our children for the future. That will include not just the academic side but also the MORAL VALUES. However, it seems that p------ nowadays are only concerned about results! If children cannot perform, they blamed it on teachers. Hmmm... it seems that the job of a teacher is to please them. No matter how much we do, how much hard work we put in, (eg. Putting in extra hours to remediate their children, preparing extra work, marking extra hard) p------ will always find fault with us. I guess it's because we were brought up to criticise and not compliment. That's why we have names like 'Complain King' and 'Complain Queen'. No appreciation and still want to complain. Do you know that sometimes teachers have to report to work when your children are having holiday? Do you understand that our job does not end at 1.30pm? Do you realise that giving one piece of work is equivalent to marking 44 pieces? Sigh. Seriously, I will like to pose this question to all, "How much time do you spend with your child to help him/her with school work?"


1 comment:

Jason said...

miss ng who caused u to hab a mood swing day???TErenCe???